Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Rats And Brains

Dead thinkers in a rat town
Are scared from killer zones
Before they know they drown
Feed well with fish bones

They think they know freedom
But all they do is scribble around
Processing the old has always been done
Just repeating a formula, suffering, all spellbound

Invisible witches fly in weathercocks
Hallucinating even to higher states
The thinkers below open their locks
Only when there's a load of wine crates

Philosophing the mystical elexir of life
Poverty, obsession and insomnia come in
Then they forget to amuse their wives
It feels quickly an existence of sin

Dead thinkers in a dead new town
Embrace the global possibilities
Just like the bible got round
When they hadn't any futilities

Podcast, games, computers, electric bikes
Self-driving cars, falling planes
Steps, emails, Facebook-likes
Still there are rats and brains

Rats and brains to abuse
Fall deeply asleep now
End up with a brain fuse
All rats in a laboratoria row

We worship now electronics
Instead of alchemical bliss
Enjoy automatised eugenics
And wonderwoman's virtual kiss

This is not the future
It's the present time
This damned multi mixture
This damned silly rime

© GdJ

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Eternal Rose / Eeuwige Roos

Ghosts at the horizon
Sudden shocks on earth
The flowers still grow dizzy
Cornfields are on fire

The apocalypse has waited
Till nature's cycle
Slowly got confused
Industries spitted too much smog

In between you and I
Strangers to each other
Although beloved souls
Sent by God on retreat

Will we recognize one another
Knowing that we should merge?
In unity with the universe
And its exemplary leaders

A kiss in thin air
Will exist forever
The walhalla of love
Befalls thy mercifully

If, in the meantime, the world breaks
We'll be standing with one foot in the other
Bounded but still free
We sing the Song of Songs

Between fragments we hold on
Just before the end begins
Who doesn't sit high gets caught
Ivy surrounds our passion

Without time nor matter
We hold each other's hands
In the new Elizium
Grows an eternal rose

☾ ☽ 〰 〰 ☾ ☽ 〰 〰 ☾ ☽ 〰 〰 ☾ ☽

Schimmen aan de einder
Plotse schokken op aarde
De bloemen duizelen nog
Korenvelden staan in brand

De apocalyps heeft gewacht
Tot de cyclus der natuur
Langzaam verward raakte
Industrieën teveel smog spuwden

Daartussen jij en ik
Vreemdelingen voor elkaar
Maar wel geliefde zielen
Gezonden door God op retraite

Zullen wij elkaar herkennen
Weten dat we moeten versmelten?
In eendracht met het heelal
En zijn voorbeeldige leiders

Een kus in ijle lucht
Blijft voor eeuwig bestaan
Het walhalla van de liefde
Overkomt je genadig

Als, ondertussen, de wereld breekt
Staan we met één voet in de andere
Gebonden maar toch vrij
Zingen we ons hooglied

Tussen brokstukken houden we stand
Net voor het einde aanbreekt
Wie niet hoog zit, is gezien
Klimop omgeeft onze hartstocht

Zonder tijd noch materie
Houden we elkaars hand vast
In het nieuwe Elizium
Groeit een eeuwige roos

© GdJ

Music Is The New Religion

Music is the new religion
It's been that for too long
Let's kill the ambition
Let's make it pure and strong

Music halls are the new churches
Singers are the priests
Does it come from searches
Into the souls of beasts?

God is not a DJ my son
He's a composer of light
He'll bring a shiny sun
In late autumn so bright

Black Metal He doesn't like
These are masses of the dark
Let's free the spirit in new life
Their world's only too stark

No more tiny celebrations
Make the stage purgatory
What happens there is animation
Don't take it too obligatory

Heathen festivals at night
Are the new ceremonies
Fire and conscience fight
In ongoing sacramental symphonies

How far will it go then
Who will it reach?
The new rock blend
The new to teach

It's a sacrifice of blood
A venture of fantasy
We encounter the thoughts
Of new god anomalies

Music is the new religion

© GdJ

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Same Party x 1000

Familiar faces
Do the same dances
In familiar places
They take their chances

It seems coincidence
We meet those faces
Again and again
Catpeople wild chases

That's how we get old
Living dangerously
In villages cold
With antique church bellies

It's the same old people
Doing silly dances
New wave, horse steeple
Most took their chances

It's a circle from birth
It's what you grow up with
It's the same old dirt
It's the same old shit

Familiar faces
Do the same dances
In familiar places
They take their chances

Let's go out, let's go in
A rebel's made of sin
I want us to rebegin
Doing the kissin'

Then get caught
At the fuckin' act
I've never had it taught
Is it fiction or fact?

That's when I wore a hat
In entropic euphoria
DJ cool gone bad
For fear of catatonia

It's the same old people
Doing silly dances

© GdJ