Monday, March 27, 2023

Day of the Dead Flies II

At full moon where the shadow of the shanty tower ends, there lays... a nest of dead flies to come alive at daylight...

In your daydreams...

It attacks the tower of doves in the cold autumnal village
The tower of strenght is now in danger
The village's scepter is buried there
Let us rebuild the past, the leader says

While he tries to find his mirror image
By fooling the people with politics
The flies will eat from his sores until he gives up the hunt for whores...

But at twelve we shall connect the darkness with the moonlight
Enlighten the night's eyes
In a howling prayer to God
Who will decide between sides

The power's at stake 
In this thriller night
The old seer has prophecied
The flies are the sign, he has warned

No one shall come out at night
But the warriors of night time,
The shreeking bats, will circle around the tower
He who digs there is worthy of power

At full moon where the shadow of the shanty tower ends

There is the king of dead flies
The herdsman of church prayers
The exterminator of false shadows
Before calmth returns to it all

Now I always see them flies
Every time I cry
In every garden hole
I watch trolls

I see flies on their back
That's how herds attack
It's a mental omen 
They rip the flesh, the women

Angry liberal voices
Conscience surrounded choices
This is the day to die!
Of eating the mental flies

Soon it's over for them too
They don't see anything
Out of their dark, round
Hollow zombie fly eyes

Their life has come to an end
Ours begins now
And swaying they move towards
The ridge of your empty eyes

And where your mouth was
At my hidden mansard
Close to the temple of bliss
The power of universe

Some salute the souvenir
But we don't mind
The time is near
To parade into the silent sun

© GdJ

Thursday, March 16, 2023


I go to Doberan
To find some peace of mind
To drink good wine
In the summer time

It's the scent of peace
The love of kind
The human warmth
With no beastly underworld tank

It's a troubadour's dream
A poet's restlessness dissolution
A theatre company's fairytale
And a seaman's oyster

Yet the sea is calm
When the horses run for money
And the casino's in debt
To some gambler's miracle

I go to Doberan
To find some peace of mind
To drink good wine
In the summer time

I stay there with you
In the grand hotel
In heaven on earth
Besides the sand dunes

Yet there is trouble ahead
We feel the war-mongering allies
In this cold cold war
That has been warmed up

No rockets at sea
But across and in the buildings on the land
We walk some miles
And see them fly in our minds

The child on the cover watches in fear
Or dies without remorse
There's no humanity anymore
When power thirst's in play

It started in the old times
When weapons became a trade
Now it's another time
They kill with computers

Let's take some time out to forget
How things can enroll
And live by the sea
Instead of dying

© GdJ

Monday, March 13, 2023


I got invaded last night
Or was it my fright?
Being shadowed by an extractor guide
Me and my subconscious might...

They stole my story
Of well-behaved crook
Noting what I took
From God and his crew

This desperate plight
Every middle of the night
Could now be officially
A glorious circus fight

Between my vision of the past
That will for ever last
And the inherited thoughts
And noises of my own cast

It's a game of association
A connection of minds
That don't belong there
Because someone broke in

Does it help
To pay?
Does it work away
The guilt

It's not my idea
To wake up early
It's a gathering of spheres
Some wrong intent

It got me off the hook
I try to turn off the phone
And let only Him in
For the rest of it

© GdJ

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Verbijstering Aan Het Koude Front

Verbijstering sluipt door de rangen
Aan het koude front
Een muts is dichtgeplakt met sneeuw
Eronder een niet-bewegende jongeman

De gewoonte aan oorlog sluipt ook
In de rangen van ons doodgewone kijkers
Sommigen zijn zo ver heen
Dat ze er een spel in zien

Snel begraven dan maar?
Zoals zovele Russische soldaten
Of Oekraïnse verzetsstrijders
Laat het doen door politici!

Zij hebben dit gewild
"No exit", heet het dan
Ieder neemt zijn toren in
Of zijn schuilkelder

Baarden van maanden oud
Slepen overlevers achter zich aan
En ernstige trauma's der verschrikking
Het lot heet wreed te zijn

Wie nog gelooft in bidden
Lijkt stand te houden
De witte duiven zijn zeldzaam
Want er staan geen elektriciteitspalen meer recht

RECHT? xxx

© GdJ

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Burn Matottes

Drunkaholics are old-fashion
See society decay
In the number of crime series
Dark patterns rule a virtual world. 

Witchcraft will destroy your mirrors
It kills your ego so be glad
The ego alert is ever so needed
In this conflict war zone

The angel of death is sin
The love for the other is holy
The love of truth is uneasy
Caritas veritatis is in danger

But Tyson Fury fights ahead
The ego clash never outdated
Ali saw butterflies instead
The survival of night fables 

Once you wake up out of it
You find yourself living
In a world full of hybrids
The robot future is now present

So program the heating at 100
The doors interiorly locked
You'll get banal murder houses
Like we had horror movies

It was on the hill Mozes stood
For fear of the everlasting One
Now we've fallen off
Sending us back into the elves' bench

We need to fertilize our grounds again
Making the living earth greener
Growing turkey tails out of rotten wood
Heal the planet's industrial sores

Strangle every libertinian dream
As disappearing boats in the mist
Otherwise we'll be doomed forever
In the apocalypse of John

Around the broken pieces
Of shattered cosmic waste
That was once the place
Where the butcher burned witches' matottes

© GdJ