Like the snow being put over her
A white blanket on weathered stones
The last remembrance of a dancing ghost
Amidst the rest of the town's last leaves
Here we shall sever
Here we shall part other ways
But never say never
We can live of common days
Life goes by on a wink
Be the town's beauty queen
And tomorrow's hunted witch
Changes too cruel to be mean
We forged a blood oath in the mind
And transcended our needs
The dust appeared with the sun
And tomorrow's vital feeds
God is my forever muse
He radiates softly from His camp
That I had to see beyond
The contours of a lust vamp
As a far mumbling out of nothing
Reaching the inner ears
To heal all pains while mourning
And be friends with old fears
No tabula rasa is needed
No idle empty feminist screams
This is me and that was you
We kiss in our dreams
At the shadow of night
Passed the sun and moon
We hold each other tight
And freeze the Hades' tune
Like the snow being put over her
As white as heaven will be
I crave for your soul's fur
As only a lover can see
© GdJ